Welcome to Color Me Happy!

I am so happy you are here! It means you have come to a very important realization: there’s more to life out there. And you’re right – there’s lots more! It’s pretty amazing how life seems to fall into place effortlessly once we’ve gained some perspective, released anxieties, broken old patterns, and surrounded ourselves with nourishing spaces, activities, and friends. And no – there’s no app for that.

Countless people across the globe have made an unfortunate and unexpected discovery: they’ve lost the excitement for life they once had. The morning alarm welcomes in a day without respite, a day without fun, a day without healing – and this means a day of blah at best. No wonder people are unfocused, exhausted, overwhelmed… and for many, this is the norm. The norm. It has actually become easier to focus on stresses and worries than joys and dreams.

How did that happen?!

The real problem is that the brain doesn’t know the difference between thought and reality. When we worry about something – even if it isn’t actually happening – the body still suffers for it. But there’s good news: the reverse is also true, and this is the goal of Color Me Happy. Color Me Happy is a journey designed to strengthen the wires of joy in the brain through a collection of creative and spiritual (and sometimes quirky) exercises. We can see again, breathe again, and all of a sudden, finding everyday enjoyment doesn’t seem so impossible anymore.

Time is our only non-renewable resource. Spend it happy.